Cresta Rileys Hotel Hotel i Maun

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Barolong Ward, Maun, Botswana
Kontakter telefon: +267 686 0320
Latitude: -19.9879585, Longitude: 23.4270492
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Kommentar 5

  • Raledu Nametso

    Raledu Nametso


    If you want to feel at home trust Rileys!

  • Olesego Tau

    Olesego Tau


    The food is Very nice. Ordered take & mash😋

  • Balatlhi Benene

    Balatlhi Benene


    I like the atmosphere here. Along thamalakane river.

  • Motingem Diamond

    Motingem Diamond


    I promised my wife we will go back...lovely

  • Neeltjie Bower

    Neeltjie Bower


    Nice hotel next to the river with beautiful old leadwood trees. Tasty food. Staff just slow but friendly.

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