Elegant & Exclusive Boutique Guest House i Gaborone

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Plot 6197, Ntsu Close, Gaborone, Botswana
Kontakter telefon: +267 391 7621
Hjemmeside: www.eneboutiqueguesthouse.co.bw
Latitude: -24.634645, Longitude: 25.922205
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Kommentar 5

  • Johan Geldenhuys

    Johan Geldenhuys


    I had a very bad experience and will not recommend E&E Boutique Guest house in Gaborone or Mahalapye to any one. We was booked in at the E&E Boutique Guest House in Mahalapye by our company's travel agent during a business visit to Botswana. The Guest House in Mahalapye do not have card facilities and only accepts cash, which posed a problem as we had to pay with our company's corporate card. After discussions between our travel agent and the guest house personnel, they agreed that they will help us with a manual card swipe. We went to guest house and we were booked in at 15h30. They then realize that they can not do a manual card swipe. We agreed with them that we will swipe in Gaborone on the Wednesday when passing there on our way back to South Africa. That evening at 20h00, while having dinner at the Cresta hotel, we were called and told that we have to take our things and leave the guest house as they will not allow us to stay there if we have not paid first. This instruction came from the Supervisor or owner of the E&E Botique guest houses.Although the lady at the Mahalapye E&E guest house was very friendly and helpful, she had to put us out on instruction from her supervisor. We were actually put out in the street at 20h00 in the evening in Botswana, and this is not the way we would have expected to be treated in Botswana as visitors from South Africa. Luckily the Cresta Hotel was very helpful and made two rooms available for us. We had to go and pack our stuff at the guest. At 21h00 on our way back to the hotel I hit a cow with my vehicle with estimated damage of R40 000. This would not have happened if we were not told to leave the guest house. I will not recommend them at all as I do not think they care about there guest's well being.

  • Joyce Mmabaepi

    Joyce Mmabaepi


    Lovely nice

  • Lindani Ndlovu

    Lindani Ndlovu



  • Kabayi Huhuyana

    Kabayi Huhuyana


    Its a cool nice place. With nice plants even the reception is good

  • Alexia Rwanda

    Alexia Rwanda


    Very friendly n helpful staff.

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