A Junior Secondary public school at the foot of Kgwakgwe Hill in Kanye. The oldest junior secondary school and one of the most respected schools in Kanye in terms of impressive academic results (Junior Certificate). Ngwaketse JSS was also best in JC results in 2011, with Ms Lethola as the School Head. It is a great school which offers a great learning experience, not only in the class but outdoors as well.
Niestety, nie ma miejsca w Punkt zainteresowania Botswany
Seabe Kgompi
::Seabelo Chabo John
::A Junior Secondary public school at the foot of Kgwakgwe Hill in Kanye. The oldest junior secondary school and one of the most respected schools in Kanye in terms of impressive academic results (Junior Certificate). Ngwaketse JSS was also best in JC results in 2011, with Ms Lethola as the School Head. It is a great school which offers a great learning experience, not only in the class but outdoors as well.