Nando's CBD i Gaborone, Botswana

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Western Commercial Rd, The Square Mall, CBD, Gaborone, Botswana, Botswana
Kontakter telefon: +267 316 2211
Latitude: -24.643312, Longitude: 25.906107
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Kommentar 5

  • Boikanyo Mosa Kamunombe

    Boikanyo Mosa Kamunombe


    Exquisite and tranquil. Scrumptious meals timely served. Best flame grilled chicken around town.

  • botlhe bobo phala

    botlhe bobo phala


    Cool n convienient 4 me

  • sandro da silva

    sandro da silva


    Very nice place and plenty of space. Little sections behind the couches where you can have a little bit of privacy to be by yourself or for your date. Excellent service from the people in the cashiers and the ones bringing your food to your table if you elect to eat in instead of getting a take out.

  • Botho Seboko

    Botho Seboko


    Right in the heart of CBD in a very clean mall. It has spacious seating facilities very amazing indoor and out ventilation

  • Maatla Maedza

    Maatla Maedza


    I've not had any complaints especially about the service. I've always been assisted by people with a smile on their faces.. a wonderful place to order you fast food.

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