Avani Hotel i Gaborone

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Plot 4727, Chuma Drive, Gaborone, Botswana
Kontakter telefon: +267 395 1111
Hjemmeside: www.minorhotels.com
Latitude: -24.651213, Longitude: 25.929787
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Kommentar 5

  • Masego Masha

    Masego Masha


    Lovely hotel and the staff is super friendly and quick to assist with your needs.

  • Bakang Dich

    Bakang Dich


    I liked it. The change from the old Gabs Sun hotel to Avani brought much welcome uplift and change. Classier look and more elegant. Welcoming committee and great customer service

  • Thebe Mogapi

    Thebe Mogapi


    A comfortable hotel that serves fantastic food and beverages. One of Gaborone's oldest hotels that has been renovated and upgraded to a world class facility.

  • Tsimako Tsims

    Tsimako Tsims


    Immaculate & world class! It's a 4/5 star hotel and the best. Luxury hotel.

  • Fred Mono

    Fred Mono


    The hotel has been refurbished. However nice the servicing of the rooms is not up to standard. No towels, no tea, sugar or milk. Only 1 bottle water. 3 stars because the upgraded rooms are nice. The food is always good. Need to refurbish the buffet restaurant

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