Aquarian Tide Hotel i Gaborone

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Gaborone, Botswana
Kontakter telefon: +267 318 7480
Latitude: -24.6058888, Longitude: 25.930202
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Kommentar 5

  • goofygomez



    Great place to relax and chill near Airport junction

  • ken joe

    ken joe


    Beautiful and quite place. Good security. Well maintained swimming pool.

  • Tebogo Meela

    Tebogo Meela


    The staff is lovely,it's not congested and the garden is lovely and open to even host functions. I loved the place from the first time I got here

  • Amala Abdur-Rahman

    Amala Abdur-Rahman


    There is a very attractive desert styled garden with hints of the tropics just outside the hotel. The staff is receptive to needs of guest. The general appearance of the hotel is well received. There is a pool onsite and restaurants nearby. I have not seen the sleeping quarters.

  • Doris Van Der Merwe

    Doris Van Der Merwe


    Most classes end 7.30. Unable to attend any classes as i arrive at around 7 am only able to use machines and circuits. Would also like people on duty to advise people on circuit not to take up seats reading their cell phones making other people pass to next item. Very frustrating. Everything else is good. Machines are maintained well.

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