Regional Immigration Office i Gaborone

Åben kort
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Moshaneng, Gaborone, Gaborone, BW Botsuana
Kontakter telefon: +267 390 9996
Latitude: -24.6114169, Longitude: 25.9224451
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Kommentar 4

  • Junghun Lee

    Junghun Lee


    워크permit과 주거 permit 신청하러 가는 곳임. 사람들이 불친절함.

  • Jay Jagannathan

    Jay Jagannathan


    Renewal of Work & Residence Permit

  • Michael Mmusi

    Michael Mmusi


    The app is nice five stars plus

  • Garnette Chipongwe

    Garnette Chipongwe


    About 4 months ago before now, one had to come for Resident & Work Permit issues as early as 03:00am just to hold a better number on the queue and still have number 64 while awaiting the office which opens at 07:30am; Not anymore, the service has tragically improved to 1 person on the queue at 07:00am. It's quite a remarkable transition from my past experiences. The staff has also become more informative and friendly. In 30 minutes I received assistance compared to the 4hrs I had to spend before being given assistance or even to be forwarded to the following day. That was horrible. Congrats Home Affairs at Regional Immigration Office Universal House.

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