Nando's Airport Junction i Gaborone, Botswana

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Airport Rd, Shop 30/31, Airport Junction Shopping Centre, Gaborone, Botswana, Botsuana
Kontakter telefon: +267 393 3116
Latitude: -24.6048393, Longitude: 25.9262176
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Kommentar 5

  • Pat Gounden

    Pat Gounden


    They are just too expensive. I have not gone to buy quick food

  • Nikola Licina

    Nikola Licina


    Always good chicken meal

  • Nikki Chigodora

    Nikki Chigodora


    Good flame grilled chicken served in a swanky eatery

  • Bucks Bucks Kgope

    Bucks Bucks Kgope


    My favourite place of all times! Enjoy the meals, well prepared. Service quick & serviced with a smile.friendly for kids.

  • Theodelous swank

    Theodelous swank


    Its good. The chicken is sweet and savory many times through out the day I get lost in thought about the succulent wholesome chicken and spicy striking fresh fries. Unlike it's competitors Nandos manages to greet you with a waft of its signature aroma as you enter the sublime restaraunt leaving with you with the singular thought oki sinking your teeth into it's delectable food. Truely a cut above the rest

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