international mail exchange centre-Botswana Post i Gaborone

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🕗 Åbningstider

Extension 34, Gaborone, Botsuana
Kontakter telefon: +267 369 6735
Latitude: -24.614713, Longitude: 25.9262886
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Kommentar 3

  • tebogo molefe

    tebogo molefe


    On the 15th of November 2016 a parcel was sent to my partner by his family from India to this day Botswana Post is giving us the run around we haven't received anything. We have contacted the office where it was sent in India and it shows that it has left India, can somebody please help track our parcel. The way bill no is CG514090115IN.

  • charles seotseneng

    charles seotseneng


  • sean kelly

    sean kelly


    On 25Oct13 I mailed a Package to my daughter serving in the Peace Corps in your beautiful country. Both the Unites States Post Office and your Post Office agree the Package arrived in Botswana on 13Nov13. The package has gone missing and is valued at approximately $700.00 USD. I have communicated with Zweli at the Post Office who said a week ago the matter is being investigated but I have not heard from him since. I have the feeling there is no accountability at the Post. Could you please do all possible to help me find this Package with United States Customs Form # CW370828273US. I have also informed the United States Embassy and the Peace Corps of this matter. Forever Grateful, Merry Christmas, Sincerely, Sean Kelly

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